Who are you when nobody’s looking? 

We all hide overselves in this world. 

People whom I taught were true have taught me otherwise. I have seen loved ones change so fast I don’t know who they are anymore. 

Whenever you feel hurt by others around you, especially by those whom you love with all of your heart, 

Just know that this is their reaction and they are supposed to feel for it. 

Not you. You don’t have to be hurt or feel guilty or whatever negative emotions that you feel. 

You are you and they are themselves. They are responsible for their own actions and reactions. 

You have enough on your plate. Don’t let the weight of others drag you down. 

Be happy. Do things that make you happy and remember you are your own soul which is free. 

Don’t let them tie you down. 

Going back. 

Revisiting your past can be very scary. 

The past may be a happy or sad place and revisiting such places gives us bitter memories. 

But what I’ve realized today that’s it’s actually not so bad. It’s not how I imagined it to be or how I thought it would end up to be. 

I don’t know if revisiting your past is good or bad but I feel that no matter how bitter your past may be, visiting such thoughts and places again with a positive mindset helps. 

It helps you as a person to move on and helps you to realize what a long way you’ve come.

You’ve come such a long way without the person whom you gave your heart to. And when you visit these places, the memories of them alone, as an individual, that’s when you notice how strong of a person you are. 

Maybe going back may be good or bad, but I feel we should all revisit our past some day when we feel ready. 

But this time, to create new memories. 

What hurts the most after a break up is the respect that you don’t get anymore. 

You were once my passionate lover. Complimented me, told me I was beautiful. 

Today, you asked me for sex. Told me I was sexy. 

How sad is it? 

How sad has our love become? 

How sad have you become? 

What happened to you? 

Where is the man I loved? 

Who are you?